Putin got played and Corbyn’s gonna stay

Mord Maman
4 min readMay 9, 2017

What I read today 09/05/17

Listen, I don’t know much about Macron. I do know I’m happy that he defeated Le Pen to the French Presidency, but I can’t say I spent too much time reading up on him and his policies.

However I read these two pieces on him this morning, the second had me all

First of all we have the fact that Macron wasn’t necessarily anti Russia, rather willing to give it a chance. Which they went and goofed up with the hack.

And then I found this to be particularly interesting

“If we look at recent history, Russia has been technically efficient but strategically inept in every operation,” according to Galeotti, who says Russian foreign ministry sources have talked to him “with horror” about the US election result, insisting the real aim was to disrupt Hillary Clinton’s legitimacy — not help Trump win. “Now they have an almost Putin-like figure to deal with,” he notes.

The Russians wanted to influence the elections. But not like this!

I’d laugh, but Trump is President.

As bad as Putin finds it, just think about American citizens, and the environment and everything else he is messing up.

Cheers Putin.

And then we have Newsweek telling us how Macron’s campaign were able to undermine Russia’s efforts by flooding their phishing attempts with fake information.

Bien joué!


Today we have BuzzFeed catching up with Corbz in Leamington Spa where he makes it clear he’s going nowhere in June, win or lose. He also discussed Macron’s victory, reading Karl Marx and alternative news sites.

“I think it’s good that people go to all the alternative sites and check out what they want,” he said. “I’ve read The Canary quite a bit, I’ve read yours, I do read a lot of them.”

I don’t know if Corbyn et al genuinely think they can win in June, but they do think they can keep control of the Labour party.

His campaigning appearances haven’t necessarily been in places you would think. Buzzfeed met him in Leamington Spa, which would need a swing of 7000 for Labour to take it.

He’s not campaigning for the election, he’s campaigning for the leadership challenge that will follow. He loves his mandate, and he’s out there meeting the people that provide it.

Local student and young Conservative Party member Scott Hamilton, offered Corbyn some “strong and stable bananas”, just wanting to convey that he thinks some of Corbyn’s policies are bananas.

Fair play to Jez, he laughed it off, but didn’t take the fruit.

What about your 5 a day Jeremy?

Andy Burnham was voted in as Mayor of Greater Manchester last week and he’s hit the ground running. First day of the job and he is out there meeting the homeless as he looks to tackle one of the biggest problems Manchester faces.

The Economist talks about data this week.

Data is the new kingmaker. Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Brin and Page are all profiting off data. Our data.

This article compares data to oil, showing how the old model has changed, become outdated and will need to be addressed some time soon.

We don’t think about it but we are constantly providing data to Facebook, Google etc sure we get something in return, but we have pretty much moved into a world where privacy doesn’t mean what it used to, and there is no going back.



Mord Maman

Mancunian member of the tribe. Torah learner & educator. Devourer of books. A pilgrim on his way. If you are thinking, you are winning.